Between this community type and the backchannel is a narrow zone of herb community type (Dichanthelium clandestinum). Across backchannel is steep bank up to the Forest Service Rd. Higher terrace towards river has a Tsuga canadensis - Liriodendron tulipifera forest.;Floodplain forest on sandy, undulating terrace along a backchannel of the river. Backchannel is flowing at a trickle at sampling date. Layer of leaf litter indicates no recent flooding. 09/21/2005: Herb cover is still quite sparse probably due to heavy shading by Acer saccharum which is probably underestimated earlier in season. Sunnier areas outside plot have more cover by Microstegium.
Early visit for spring flora, Deciduous layer estimated as leaf on. Plot is width of community which is linear on lower terrace along back channel. Plot has intact leaf litter and abundant Mertensia which may indicate slightly high ground than parts of th